With more than 130 million tons of fruit commercialized annually, citrus fruits are one of the most widely produced and consumed fruits in the world. The unique combination of sweet and sour flavor, intense aroma, and high content of vitamin C make them a popular choice for consumers around the globe.
A correct handling in postharvest can help deliver fresh fruit produce, enhancing fruit quality, reducing waste, and maximizing profitability.

Pome Fruit
Pome fruits are climacteric fruits, and the commercial season is divided into summer and winter with different varieties.Through an efficient postharvest management to prevent diseases, careful storage, and transportation they available at different times of the year regardless of the season.

Stone Fruit
The postharvest handling of stone fruit is particularly challenging due to their delicate skin and short growing season of less than four months. These fruits need specific environmental conditions where the temperature variations are large between day and night to develop their unique flavor and aroma. A proper postharvest is crucial to maintain the safety and quality as well as extending the shelf life of stone fruit.

Cherries are one of the highly valued fruits with a relatively short commercial season of less than three months. To ensure that cherries reach consumers in optimal conditions, a delicate and optimal postharvest management plays a crucial role due to the delicate skin, high-water content and the rapid loss of firmness and moisture. Also, their susceptibility to decay makes cherries one of the most challenging fruits to handle and highly perishable, requiring a careful handling to maintain the quality and extend shelf life.
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These fruits are highly appreciated for their sweet flavor and juicy flesh, which make them popular desserts and ingredients in different cuisines. They are native to South America and the global trade is dominated by Costa Rica, Philippines, and Ecuador but can be grown in many tropical regions around the world. The use of successful postharvest solutions has allowed for the expansion, enabling fruits to be transported to distant markets while maintaining their quality and shelf life at optimal conditions.

Avocados are native to Mexico and Central America but due to their creamy and unique flavor they are now grown in many different countries across the globe. As a result of the increasing demand the postharvest handling and storage to maintain the quality and safety require carefully designed and implemented postharvest solutions, as an improper handling can lead to a reduction in shelf life and overall quality.

Thanks to the numerous health benefits and delicious taste, blueberries have extended globally, becoming one of the most popular fruits. The postharvest handling is particularly challenging due to their delicate nature such as soft and thin skin which is sensitive to temperature changes. It is essential to implement an effective postharvest management to ensure that blueberries are delivered to consumers with organoleptic qualities in place and with an appearance appealing to the eye.

Bananas are one of the most consumed and popular fruits in the world with 1,000 different varieties grown globally, with main production in Asia, Latin America, and Africa. They are climacteric fruits which require an efficient the postharvest handling. An effective postharvest management can contribute to extend shelf life, prevent food loss, and waste and ensure that consumers have access to high-quality and fresh fruit.

Mango and papaya are tropical fruits with high consumption worldwide. Even so, with estimates ranging from 25-40% mango and papaya can have significant postharvest losses. One of the most damaging factors affecting these fruits is Anthracnose which plays an important role in reducing their shelf life and quality. Additionally, stem end rot and Alternaria black spot are other diseases that affect the fruit. Effective postharvest control and well-managed phytosanitary management can help to minimize losses and protect the quality.

Kiwis are climacteric fruits, and the international trade is dominated by New Zealand, Chile, and Italy. Due to the high content of vitamin C which makes it popular among consumers, like all fruits, after harvest they are perishable, and a complete postharvest management is a must to protect while maintaining the quality.

In terms of human consumption, potato is the third most important crop in the world. With a global crop production exceeding 300 million tons, postharvest loss can reach up to 20-25% which makes it the major challenge in the supply chain. The common issue affecting potatoes is bacterial rots, but they are also susceptible to some fungal diseases.

This heart-shaped fruit is highly produced in Mediterranean area, with Spain being the major producer. The narrow window of harvest and commercialization, postharvest problems, if not treated properly, can lead to significant losses.

From the cucurbit family with different variety, melons can demand different postharvest handling as each variety has its unique characteristics. If not handled properly, they are susceptible to food waste as they are perishable after the harvest.